Let's get started...
1. Most comments
The post that had the most comments was High Five for Friday on January 16th. It got 6 comments! (I was going to post an image of it for you, but Blogger was glitching really bad). You can find it here.
2. Most Page Views
The post that had the most page views was PMT Style Challenge: Copy an Outfit You Pinned. It had 80 page views!
3. Most Shares
Since my blog is fairly new, I did not have any shares this month. But you can help change that so that next month I will have some shares.If you click on the link of a post that you want to share, and then click on one of the sharing options on the left side, you can share one of my posts. You will have to log-in the first time that you share something, but next time you won't!
Also, on each image in the upper left corner is a Pin It Button. If you roll your mouse over the image, it will appear.
Please share and comment so that next time I can have a more impressive monthly round-up for February. :)
On another note, for today's Valentine's Week post, I have a super cute nail art inspiration for you. You can find it here.
I am very close Allie D, and she actually did my nails for her blog post. I ask that you would please comment or share Allie D's post because she is a fairly new blogger too.
14 Days of Love- Day 3: I love you! I want to say that I appreciate you, reader, very much. I cherish and treasure your comments, page views, and shares very much! Thank you!
Sorry, this post is very long and is a combination of many things! I hope it's not confusing!
Go check out Mackenzie and Allie D's 14 Days of Love- Day 3 at Spreading His Grace and Spreading My Joy
Please don't forget to share and/or comment!