
Friday, January 15, 2016

High Five for Friday + Five Minute Friday

Happy Friday, you guys! Ahhhhh. That is me breathing a sigh of relief. We made it to the weekend!! I am so excited! 

The other day, I discovered a Friday link up called Five Minute Friday. FMF is a link up in which you write for five minutes about a one word topic that Kate provides. It's all unedited which is one of my favorite parts about it. So, each Friday, one of my five for High Five for Friday will be my Five Minute Friday.

1. Time. It's that thing that I am constantly saying I never have enough of. "Sorry, I can't do _____ because I don't have enough time." Or, "I wish I could do _____, but I just do not have enough time"

I frequently find myself saying, "I just don't have enough time to do that." But, if what I am wanting to do or participate in is really worth it, I should somehow have time, right? 

Some people say that they will just have to make time. But, wait, can we as humans add more time to our day? No, we can't. We only have the allotted 24 hour in a day. 

And then I think, "Is having more time really important?" Maybe, what we do with the time that we are allotted is actually what we should be focusing on. Just a thought.

2. This week has been one of the busiest weeks in a very long time. I have been struggling with a few things. BUT, God works in amazing ways. I am so thankful for a perfect God who loves us unconditionally!

3. For Christmas, I was gifted a 3-month Birchbox subscription. So far, I have received two boxes and have been loving the products. On Wednesday, I will be posting my first Birchbox review, so look out for that! If you would like to order a subscription, you can do so here.

4. I have been wearing all of my new clothes that I got for Christmas and have really been loving creating new outfits with them. Style and fashion are a couple of my creative outlets, and I enjoy making up new outfits and styling new pieces.

5. Just in case you missed them here are this weeks posts:

Chambray a New Way

See where I link up here.

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