
Friday, October 16, 2015

High Five for Friday!

Whew! As I mentioned here, this week was pretty busy and I wasn't expecting it at all. Naturally, I am super excited that it is the weekend! Check out the five high points of my week:

1. On Saturday, I went shopping for a couple of new fall clothing items. I didn't need a lot, but I did get some white "converses" (they look like them, they just aren't converse brand), a striped maxi dress/maxi skirt/midi dress, and a white layering tank top. I wanted to get something wine colored, but either I didn't like what I saw, it was too expensive, or they were out of my size, so I didn't end up getting anything. Hopefully, a store will have something discounted for Black Friday.

2. Technically, this has nothing to do with this week, but oh well. A week or two ago, I created a group board on Pinterest. This group board is for various bloggers to pin either their outfits or outfits that give them inspiration. It is meant to give each other style inspiration. You can see it here. If you would like to join the group board, all you have to do is email me at with your Pinterest username telling me you want to join. I would love it if you joined! So far, just a couple of bloggers are pinning alongside me. 

3. Yesterday, I co-hosted Thursday Fashion Files for Carrie and Jill. You can see that post here. Also, I am co-hosting Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me for Rachel on Tuesday. Be sure to come back on Tuesday to check that out!

4. The weather has been so nice lately. It has been around 75 degrees, and the sun has been shining bright. As I am writing this, I am sitting outside and there is not a cloud in the sky. It is delightful! :)

5. Just in case you missed them, here are the posts from this week:

Transforming Outfits from Summer to Fall

Have Courage and Be Kind: What Courage Means to Me

2015 Scarf Swap Reveal + Thursday Fashion Files Link Up

Have a wonderful weekend!

See where I link up here.

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