
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Currently: October

Happy Fall! I feel like a broken record because I keep saying that I can't believe that this year is already almost over! How is it already October! Here is what I have been currently eating, exploring, wearing, admiring, and collecting:


Lately, I have been eating lots of comfort food. It as been extremely rainy (thank goodness the sun has come back out, though), so I have been eating chili, taco soup, and other hot comfort foods.


Hmmm. I really don't know what I am currently exploring. I had a super busy week last week, but this week is SO much lighter. I have had a lot more time to just chill. I have been exploring Pinterest, my couch, and pajamas. Haha! Just kidding. . . . maybe.


Recently, I have been wearing skinny jeans and ballet flats. I also just wore my new military jacket.  It hasn't been quite cold enough to wear too many sweaters or layers. I have been wearing pants, fall, colors, and light layers, though. I am planning to wear my ankle booties soon. 


I have been admiring everyone's cute fall looks! I am trying not to get too jealous of everybody's fall looks. I know I will get there soon. :)  I am also admiring all of the pieces that are available in marsala


I am collecting pins on Pinterest. I am an avid Pinterest user. I have over 11,000 pins! A couple of days ago, I created a group board for bloggers. You can check out the details right here

Thanks so much to Anne and Jenna for hosting this link up!

See where I link up here.

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