
Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer Recap

School has already started back here in South Carolina. Even though school starting doesn't really affect me, it kind of ushers in the end of Summer. Somehow, in my book, the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall don't meet up because obviously it's not Fall yet, but Summer is over. Kind of like there is a whole space in between the two. Just go with it. I'll work out the details later. :)

Anyway, since Summer is over for me, I decided that I'd do a Summer recap. Here is what happened this Summer:


1st-3rd: Camping at Barnwell South Carolina State Park

28th: My Birthday!

Favorite post of May: High Five for Friday 05/29


6th-11th: Camping in Table Rock Tennessee

27th-July 5th: Choir Tour of South Carolina

Favorite post from June: Style Snippets: 5 Tips for Pattern Mixing or Summer 2015 Trends: Pineapples, Flamingoes and Tassels

There were so many great posts in June, it was difficult for me to even pick just two favorite posts.


4th: Independence Day. Such a fun day at the pool with some really great friends!

19th: Reunited to sing again with the choir.

Favorite post form July: 5 Ways to Beat the Heat

Obviously, a lot more happened this Summer. These things were just the most notable. How was your Summer?

Linking up at Still Being Molly

Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'!

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