
Friday, June 10, 2016

High Five for Friday- Mail Day + Art

Happy Friday! How was your week? Keep on reading to see the five high points of my week!

1. The prompt for Five Minute Friday is want.

I am a shopper. I was just born that way. I love to shop. One problem with that is if I see something I want, I feel that I need to buy it.

A lot of times, my wants tend to become needs in my head. I have had to learn to say no to myself when I want something, but don't really need it,

This mentality doesn't just have to apply to shopping habits. Sometimes, my body tells me I need to eat food, and my brain tricks me and tells me that I need junk food. I don't need junk food, but I want it.

When I tend to want too many things that I don't really need, I must step back and really evaluate what it is that I want  and see if it's what I really need.

2. On Sunday, I had a pretty relaxing afternoon and spent the time between church services working on this week's schedule in my bullet journal:

3. It was super rainy and stormy on Monday. I decided to cheer myself up with a super yummy fruit salad. 

4. At the beginning of the week, I got this beautiful necklace in the mail! It cost me less than $5! I love mail days especially when it was a great deal!

5. I have been itching to create something. On a whim, I decided to make this picture frame chalkboard. 

Just in case you missed them, here are this week's posts:

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Have a lovely weekend!

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