
Monday, February 1, 2016

Tips and Ideas to Wear Rose Quartz for Winter (Which is a Great Color for Valentine's Day As Well)

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend! Today, I thought that I'd share with you some ways and tips to wear one of the colors for the year, Rose Quartz, or more commonly known as light pink, for winter.

Rose Quartz is an amazing color for every day life, but it would be perfect for Valentine's day as well!

As a top

Wear a Rose Quartz top with gold jewelry and tan accents

Here I am wearing my Rose Quartz top with chambray, black, and brown.

This outfit has super similar accents as the outfit above, but they look a lot different. I just swapped out a couple of the pieces for similar ones and it created a new, cute outfit.

As a Necklace

Here, I let the pink necklace shine by wearing all neutrals with it.

I paired the Rose Quartz necklace with turquoise, emerald (the polka dots), and brown.

I wore the necklace with black and chambray.

Here it was worn with both girly and masculine elements.

Also, below is a compilation tons of options that are Rose Quartz:

The Most Popular Color for the Year pink necklace earrings top sweater tee bracelet clutch crossbody purse

What do you think about this color?

And, yesterday was the last day of Dressember fundraising. I want to say a HUGE thank you to all who donated, raised awareness, and learned more about human trafficking. You have made a giant difference in so may people's lives. Thank you!

See where I link up here.

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