
Friday, December 18, 2015

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend! Keep reading to see the five high points of my week:

1. On Saturday, I went shopping and added another dress to my collection. This swing dress is probably my favorite dress so far.

Sorry about the bad quality!

2. On Sunday, my church choir had their Christmas Cantata that I was a part of. It was fun, and I think we did a great job, if I do say so myself. :)

3. Monday, I posted about money and donating to Dressember. I really poured my heart out in that post, so I encourage you to read it. You can do that here

4. On Tuesday, I got the opportunity to go to the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was really great to get to volunteer there. I loved the emphasis on Jesus that everyone had. They talked about scripture, and prayed over us and the shoeboxes multiple times while we were there. I also posted this post about trafficking.

5. On Thursday, I posted this post full of gifts that give back. That means that when each of the gifts are purchased, a portion of the profits go to charities. You can view the full post here and see the gift guide below.

Also, I have four Christmas parties over the weekend. I am so glad it's Christmas!

Gift Guide: Gifts that Give Back

How was your week?

See where I link up here.

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