
Friday, November 6, 2015

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday, you guys! I hope you had a great week! Read on to see how my week went.

1. On Saturday, my church had a Fall festival + bazaar. Part of the Fall festival was little games. My game was bowling which was super fun except for the fact that I had to bend down and set-up the pins each time and pick up the 15 pound ball each time a child came to play. I had a great time, but was pooped and sore afterwards. I was so tired that I ended up taking a little nap.

2. This week has been great, but the weather hasn't. Fog + constant showers = an unhappy Sarah. Even though I like rain once in a while, daily rain is not my thing.

3. Monday was a pretty hard day. I don't know what is was, but I was somehow extremely behind. After I did my morning devotions, I realized how ridiculous I have been. I just keep focusing on me instead of on God. My day was packed and I felt like I was suffocating, but I worked at each task with as much joy as I could muster. I ended up having a little time to get some blogging done, but not my post for Tuesday which means I had little to no time for doing things like blogging, reading, etc. And I had an even busier day in Tuesday looming over my head.

As a result of my cheerful attitude on Monday, God so graciously gave me a great day on Tuesday. I woke up happy for no particular reason, and I was ahead on all of my tasks which never happens. I am truly in awe and thankful for His perfect grace. 

4. Can you believe that it is already November?! Neither can I! On Wednesday, I posted my monthly Currently post which can be seen here. The topics this month were cooking, planning, smelling, appreciating, and anticipating.

5. I was thinking the other day about describing past years in one word. If I were to name this year-even though it's not over yet-with one word, I would say learning. I can not tell you how much I have learned so far this year. I have learned so much about God, myself, life, and so many other things. I am just so thankful for God's grace and mercy!

How was your week?

See where I link up here.

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