
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Currently: November

Happy November! I can't believe we are already at November! Can you? This month, the Currently topics are cooking, planning, smelling, appreciating, and anticipating.

ALL THE PUMPKIN TREATS. Fall is in full swing, so that means that pumpkin treats are all that I am making. I have been cooking pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, pumpkin yogurt, and all of that good stuff.

 via Unsplash

I am planning Black Friday strategies and wish lists. I have just recently started going Black Friday shopping, so I don't know all of the strategies. I'm only going to buy things that I need. I just can't buy something just because it's a good deal. Do you go Black Friday shopping? What are your strategies?

Apple, pumpkin, and cinnamon. Thanks to Bath and Body Works and Wal-Mart, my house is full of all the Fall smells. Yum!

I am appreciating this beautiful life that God has so graciously given me. I am so thankful that I am healthy. Even if I am busy and stressed, I know that God has a plan and I know that there is someone who has it way worse than I do.

I am anticipating Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fall/Winter is my favorite time of the year. Who doesn't love Thanksgiving and Christmas? I just can't wait until good food, great Black Friday deals, and lots of family time.

Thanks Anne and Jenna for hosting this link up!

Also linking here.

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