
Friday, September 18, 2015

High Five for Friday: Recent Loves Editon

Happy Friday, folks! Today I am changing up my routine a bit and am doing a recent loves edition of my regular High Five for Friday post.

1. This dress. Not only is this dress Marsala, which is my favorite color for Fall, but it is also just a really cute dress that I know will be perfect for Fall.

2. This quote. I found it on Twitter the other day and it really inspired me. And it's just really pretty, too.

3. Lately, the weather has been absolutely perfect. You have no idea how much I am enjoying it. The highs have been in the low 80's, and the lows have been in the low 60's. This kind of weather is my favorite. Let me tell you; it has been glorious.

4. Great deals and great purchases. You know that I love a good deal. As of late, there have been some pretty nice sales going on and I've made a couple of great purchases. By the way, there is a 10% off coupon code to one of my favorite stores, eShakti, valid until October 14 here.

5. This post from Whitney over at Polka-Dotty Place. Not only did I love her post, but I also loved some of the other ladies' posts that they linked up here.

That's all! I hope you enjoyed this out of the norm post and I hope you have a great and restful weekend!

See where I party here.

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