
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Currently: September

Wow! I can't believe that September is already here! Today I am joining Anne of In Residence and Jenna of Gold and Bloom for their monthly Currently link-up. This month's topics are what I am currently reading, making, pinning, anticipating, and loving.

Currently, I am re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee so that it is fresh in my mind when I read Go Set a Watchman. My sister has it already, but like I said above, I wanted to re-read the first one. For some reason, I am just really not motivated to read it. I am still just stuck on chapter 5. The funny thing is, I really like this book. I guess once I really get into it, then I won't be able to put it down. I think that's how it always is, for me at least.

to kill a mockingbird book harper lee

Tassel necklaces! I posted a tutorial here, and I also made one for Tif. They are so fun and easy to make. Plus they can be totally customized. I have also been making blog posts for you guys. :)

To be totally honest with you, I have recently been pinning outfits (especially Fall outfits), and motivational quotes. I am such a big quote person, so my quotes board is FULL. To follow me on Pinterest click here.

You probably already know this, but I am saying it again because I seriously cannot wait until..... FALL! On Friday, I wrote a whole post on things that I am anticipating for Fall. One of those things is Fall fashion. I love layering and sweaters and boots.... the list goes on and on. You can read the full post here.

Currently, I have been loving the beautiful weather that we have had. There was a giant storm, but it didn't last that long, and the other days lately have been absolutely gorgeous. It has been a bit cooler, so I have been able to wear pants and not swelter. It has been super sunny, and breezy, and just all around lovely.

How about you? What are you currently reading, making, pinning, anticipating, and loving?

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