
Monday, October 24, 2016

MIA & Grace + Lace Link Up

Hey, y'all! I just wanted to pop in super quickly today and apologize for the lack of posts and engagement on social media. My only explanation is busyness. I have just been so busy, you guys! This past week and the week before were just completely full. Luckily, most of the busyness was fun including the SC State Fair, a For King & Country concert, a fall festival, and lots of time with friends and family. 

Thank you guys so much for staying connected even when I wasn't. ;)

I also have a link up for you guys!

Since both Mackenzie and I have been super slammed lately, we haven't had much time to view those who linked up last week's posts. Thank you so much to all who did link up! Today, we are choosing to feature everyone because y'all are all super great anyway!

-Link back to Spreading His GraceBows & Clothes, or both

-Subscribe to both blogs and follow each of us on at least one social media.

Mackenzie: Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter

Sarah: Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin'

-This link up has no theme, so we encourage you to link any of your recent posts. Also note that we have to right to delete your link if it is inappropriate. However, we are super excited to read about your passions, and are so glad that you've decided to join us!

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