
Monday, October 10, 2016

Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up

Happy Monday! I hope y'all had an amazing weekend! We survived Hurricane Matthew! Praise God! Luckily, we only got some rain and wind, and our power was out for a few hours, but nothing too bad. Please remember to be in prayer for those who were affected by the storm. 

Since it has been super rainy, I haven't been able to take outfit photos. However, I wore some super great Fall outfits last year, so I thought I would share them with you today. Also, a new link up is live, so don't forget to link up at the bottom of the post!


Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up


Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up


Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up


Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up


Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up

Which one is your favorite?

See where I link up here.

Favorite Fall Outfits from Last Year & Grace + Lace Link Up

1. Brooke from The Vine Press shared an awesome post about letting the Bible speak for itself. At times, I can be guilty of the exact things that she mentioned. Go check it out!

Letting the Bible Speak for Itself

2. Meg from No Small Life linked up a lovely post sharing six ways to paint pumpkins instaed of carving them. Her tips are so great! Loved her pumpkins!

NEW No Carve Pumpkin Ideas-NoSmallLife

-Link back to Spreading His GraceBows & Clothes, or both

-Subscribe to both blogs and follow each of us on at least one social media.

Mackenzie: Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter

Sarah: Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin'

-This link up has no theme, so we encourage you to link any of your recent posts. Also note that we have to right to delete your link if it is inappropriate. However, we are super excited to read about your passions, and are so glad that you've decided to join us!

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