
Monday, January 25, 2016

Marsala + Black and a New Schedule

Happy Monday! I am sorry that it has been a little quiet here. I have been immensely busy. Because of how busy I have been, I am going to change my posting schedule from Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, and Friday, to Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I hate that I have to limit my posting, but I know that this minor change will be beneficial. It will also allow me just a little more time to connect with you, my lovely readers. I love responding to your comments and questions. I have also been trying to update my blog design since the end of November. Maybe I'll get to that soon as well. 

Today, I am sharing with you a new outfit that I just recently wore and loved it.

marsala black grey white converse skinny jeans outfit Fitbit sporty

marsala black grey white converse skinny jeans outfit Fitbit sporty

marsala black grey white converse skinny jeans outfit Fitbit sporty

marsala black grey white converse skinny jeans outfit Fitbit sporty

marsala black grey white converse skinny jeans outfit Fitbit sporty
Outfit details:
Top: Old Navy (similar, similar)
Jeans: Old Navy (similar, similar)
Shoes: Target (exact-on sale!, similar)
Bangles: (similar, similar)
Necklace: Charming Charlie (similar, similar)
Photography by Allie D.

I loved this outfit! It was super comfy and casual. When I wore this outfit, I actually swapped the necklace for a scarf like this one. Also, I wore a black belt to make the half-tuck look a little more polished. 

Probably my favorite part of this look, is the fact that the whole outfit is neutral except the top. Having it that way helps the shirt to shine in all of it's marsala glory. 

Also, I am guest posting over at Garay Treasures today on an outfit that I recreated from Pinterest. Go check it out here and give her some love!

What do you like most about this outfit?

Linking up here.

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