
Friday, December 4, 2015

High Five for Friday- Currently Edition

Happy Friday! Today I am doing a currently edition of my regular High Five for Friday post because I was completely unorganized and forgot that the Currently Link-up that I always participate in was on Wednesday. So here is my late, but great Currently: December post.

1. Wishing
I am currently wishing that the Christmas season lasted forever. It is such a wonderful season full of hope and joy. To quote Matthew West, Christmas is a time, "when all the world is right." I love the Christmas season because that's when most people have such a giving attitude. Christmas season, please don't go by too quickly!

currently december wishing high five for friday

2. Remebering
Every year, I read the Christmas Hope series by Donna VanLiere for Christmas. I just started this tradition two years ago, so this is only the third time that I have read these books. I am remebering some of my favorite parts, the sad times, and such in the books. One reason why I really enjoy reading these books annually is that I read them with a new and different perspective because I am in a different part of my life each time.

3. Wrapping
There are few Christmas parties that I am going to attend, so I have been wrapping a couple of Secret Santa and White Elephant gifts.

4. Baking
I haven't been baking many things lately, but for Thanksgiving, I did bake some delicious acorn shaped cake pops. They are so yummy! I wish I have a picture to show you guys, but I don't. :(

5. Decorating
I am decorating for Christmas! On Black Friday, after shopping for 8 hours, I kept the tradition of putting Christmas decor up on Black Friday and proceeded to decorate the house for six hours. Even though I was way too tired afterwards, I am glad that I got it all up because then I got to rest on Saturday.

That's all!

How was your weekend? What have you currently been doing?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! And don't forget it's Dressember!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

See where I link up here.

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