
Friday, November 20, 2015

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday! How was your week? Mine was pretty good. Keep reading to see the five high points of my week:

1. On Saturday or Sunday, I started coming down with a cold. By Sunday night, I felt awful. The best part is that I am feeling a lot better and am glad that I will probably be completely healed by Thanksgiving.

2. It's almost Thanksgiving!! Ah! I can't believe it! Can you? This year is just flying by! Also, Black Friday! You can check out my tips on Black Friday for your best shopping trip here.

black friday tips and tricks shopping high five for friday

3. I just recently downloaded the First5 app by Proverbs 31 Ministries. First5 is an app that sends you a new devotional every day by alarm. I chose not to use the alarm option because I already have a morning devotional, so I just go into the app to find the devotion for the day. Also, it has the prettiest graphics that you can save as phone wallpapers. Here are a few that I really love:

4. Who doesn't love coupons? I am always looking for sales and coupons so that I can purchase items super cheap. On Monday, I offered a 10% off coupon code to Elegantees. You can read that post here.

5. Here are some pins that I have recently loved and pinned: (Find me on Pinterest here)

These cookies look AMAZING!

This is such a great-and comprehensive-list of things to throw away.

This outfit is adorable and so easy to recreate.

I am loving this cute way to style a blanket scarf.

I hope you have a weekend that's more awesome than you are! :)

See where I link up here.

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