
Friday, October 2, 2015

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday! Not only has this week flown by, but this YEAR has flown by! Am I right? It's craziness! Anyway, here are the five high points of my week:

1. Like I mentioned here, on Saturday the 19th, my family and I headed out to Edisto Beach. We stayed all the way through to Friday. It was super nice and relaxing. I was really surprised by how many shells there were on the beach. There were piles and piles of them that you could just dig through! I had such a great time! Also, a BIG thanks to Rachel and Tif for guest posting for me last week! Thanks, ladies! You can see their guest posts here and here.

2. Old Navy has always been one of my favorite stores, so when we went to the Tanger Outlets in Charleston while on vacation, I had to visit. As I was walking through the store, I didn't notice any particularly great sales or clearance items. For some reason, I ended up looking around in the little girls' clothing section. Boy am I glad I did! I spotted a grey dress that was 50% off; only $10. I also noticed that they ran really big. A medium looked like it was an extra large. I ended up trying on the dress-in extra large, of course-and it fit! I hope to do an outfit post with it soon. Here is what it looks like: 

Awful picture that doesn't do it justice.

3. I am super excited because I created a group board on Pinterest! This group board is for various bloggers to pin either their outfits or outfits that give them inspiration. It is meant to give each other style inspiration. You can see it here. If you would like to join the group board, all you have to do is email me at with your Pinterest username telling me you want to join.

4. Please pray for my church because we are going through a big transition right now.

5. Just in case you missed them, here are my posts from this week:

Have a wonderful weekend!

See where I link up here.

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