
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

15 Things That I Will Never Do

Happy Wednesday, y'all! Let me tell you: the weather has been so perfect. It actually feels like fall! It is so exciting! Today, I thought I would talk about some things that I will never, ever do:

1. I will never bungee jump or sky dive. That's just way to scary and dangerous.

2. Work at something that doesn't make me happy. There is no point in doing something without passion.

3. Compromise my beliefs.

4. Stop doing what I love.

5. Stay angry at people. Life is way to short to hold grudges.

6. Eat a bug.

7. Watch horror movies. I am way too much of a wimp. :)

8. Wear a bikini. For me, it's just not modest.

9. Get a tattoo.

10. Get anything besides my ear pierced. 

11. Focus on other people's flaws.

12. Tell someone they aren't pretty or talented or loved. Because they are.

13. Wear so much makeup that it does't look like "me" anymore.

14. Wear a fashion trend just because it's a "trend". 

15. Finish a book I didn't like.

That's all! Stay tuned! Next week, I am going to post 15 things that I want to do.

What are some things that you will never do?

See where I link up here.

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