
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

15 Things I Want to Do

Happy Wednesday! As promised, today, I compiled a list of 15 things that I want to do. This list is mostly things that I can do in the near future, and this is definitely not all of the things that I want to do.

15 things that I want to do bucket list

1. I want to go on a mission trip.

2. Travel the world.

3. Go to Disney World

4. Go to the Mall of America

5. Let go of a floating lantern.

6. Learn how to decorate cakes.

7. Adopt a child.

8. Run a 5k race.

9. Build/design my own home.

10. Speak a language fluently.

11. Go horseback riding.

12. Fly in a hot air balloon.

13. See the Northern Lights.

14. Conquer all of my fears.

15. Go on a spontaneous vacation.

That's all!

What is something that you want to do?

See where I link up here.

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