
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Love and Hate

Becky at BYBMG posted a Love and Hate post after being invited to join in the fun by a few other bloggers. At the end of her post, she invited anyone who haven't been nominated yet. So, I decided to join in on all the fun. Here are ten things I love and ten things I hate:


1. Jesus! You probably already knew this, but you can never say it enough.

2. Shoes. I guess I could have made this "Accessories" instead of  "Shoes" because I love jewelry and purses almost as much as I love shoes. I have always loved shoes. I can't remember a time when I didn't love shoes.

3. Ice Cream. My favorite dessert is ice cream. You know those people who only eat soup in the winter and only eat ice cream and frozen treats in the summer? Yeah, I'm not one of those people. If I could, I would eat ice cream every day.

4. My family. Some of my closest friends are also my family. I am super close to my immediate family especially, but I am also very close to my family on my father's side. I don't know what I would do without them.

5. My iPhone. I know. This one is kind of materialistic, but I don't want to be fake here. I want to be honest. I try to limit my time on my phone, but with social media, email, text, etc, I just end up using it a lot. If you had an iPhone, you would understand. Just kidding. :)

6. Books. I love reading. When I was younger, I used to hate reading, but now, I really like it. I like reading fiction a lot, but I also really like to read devotionals and nonfiction books.

7. Fashion, duh. I can't believe that I haven't mentioned fashion yet. I most definitely don't follow all fashion trends, but I really do love fashion and style. It is such a great way to show your personality without even talking.

8. Blogging. A few years ago, when I got my Pinterest account, I discovered Putting Me Together, and that is where it all started. I ended up following lots of other fashion/style blogs. It finally occurred to me that I should start a style blog, and here we are.

9. Music. I have always loved to sing,  but I also like playing piano. Music is such an inspiring outlet for me. I love it!

10. The beach. It's just perfect.

Hate- I am going to copy Becky, and suggest we say dislike. Hate is such a harsh word.

1. Okra. I know. I'm from the South. I should love it, but...... YUCK!

2. Fish. Not just as food. I just really don't like fish AT ALL. They gross me out and make my skin crawl.

3. Buying clothes at full price. Or when stores jack up the prices, and say their having a sale, when the item isn't even worth the "sale".

4. Sweeping the floor. Chores just aren't fun.

5. Math. I have always hated math, and I don't ever think I will like it.

6. Bugs. Especially spiders.

7. Making mistakes. I know. We all make them, but I really am a big perfectionist.

8. Being rushed. Everybody says I am just an overall slow person and that I do everything slow. It's not that I'm slow, I just like to take my time doing things everything.

9. Horror movies. What's the point?

10. Natural disasters. They are so devastating! I just can't stand them.

That wraps it up! I really enjoyed doing this love and hate post so that y'all can get to know me more.

I am supposed to tag a few people to join in on the fun:
Rachel of Garay Treasures
Tif of Bright on a Budget
Katie of Cup of Tea
Whitney of Come Home for Comfort
Ashley of Peaceful Simple Life
Shea of Shea Lennon
Andrea of Living on Cloud Nine
and everyone else who wants to join in.

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