
Friday, July 31, 2015

High Five for Friday

Hey, it's Friday! How was your week? Can you believe that tomorrow is the first day of August? I can't! This year is just flying by! Check out the five high points of my week to get a taste of how mine went:

1. On Saturday, I was in a crafting mood, so I whipped up a couple of crafts. I made this Lilly Pulitzer watercolor popsicle picture, and this cute hot air balloon one:

hot air balloon craft with buttons

Lilly Pulitzer watercolor popsicle craft

2. On Monday, I posted an outfit post. It was about my love for this shirt and these shoes. Click here to view the full post.

outfit post

3. I am trying to make my blog better, and I thought that I should use Google Analytics. The problem is: I don't know how to work/use/set up GA. Does anybody have any tips? They would be greatly appreciated.

4. On Wednesday, I posted my Beach Day Packing Essentials. That post, and everyone's beach pictures has really made me ready for a week long beach trip that I am going to take. I'm going to go to Edisto Beach for the first time and I couldn't be more excited.

5. I am about to do my own manicure, and am looking forward to some semi-restful weekend time. Who else is?

Have a great weekend!

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