
Friday, June 19, 2015

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday! How is it possibly already Friday?! I can't believe that the weekend is already here! This week flew right by. Check out the five high points of my week:

1. I started back running again after a long hiatus. I can't exactly remember all the reasons why I stopped. I was doing the C25k running program, and when I stopped, I was right at the 5k mark. Unfortunately, I had to start all the way back at week 3 of the 8 week program. I am glad to be back running, though. It feels great!

2. On Tuesday, I posted about some of my Summer must-haves. Some of those include: dry shampoo, sundresses, EOS lip balm, and a good book. You can view the rest here.

10 Must-Haves for Summer

3. Sewing has always been one of my hobbies, although I don't pride myself in my sewing expertise and skill. I have a lot of sewing to do today and tomorrow. I need to sew some straps on a maxi dress, alter a dress, and finish sewing a dress. Apparently, dresses are on my mind. :)

4. It has been terribly hot this week! Like, 100 degrees hot. I am not kidding! Needless to say, I have been in the pool lots. I thought I was used to South Carolina Summers, but these temps have really surprised me.

5. Wednesday, I posted my first outfit post in a long time. With holidays and vacations, I really haven't done many outfit posts.  Hopefully more outfit posts are in the future. :) You can see the full post here.

I feel like nothing super exciting happened this week, but I'm okay with that. Sometimes we need breaks from exciting because most of the time, exciting means stressful, and I don't want to be stressed. Have a great weekend!

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