
Monday, March 2, 2015

Monthly Round-Up: February 2015

Hi! Welcome to the Monthly Round-Up post for February! Every month I round-up all of the posts that had the most comments, page views, and shares.

Bows and Clothes: Monthly Round-Up: February 2015. Every month I round-up all of the post of that month that had the most page views, comments, shares, etc. Check it out to see which posts had what!

1. Most Page Views
The post that had the most page views for the month of February was Valentine's Week Day 1: Classic Pink + 14 Days of Love- Day 2. It had 51 page views in just the month of February!

2. Most Comments
The post that had the most comments was the High Five for Friday! on February 27. It got four comments. Thanks for all who commented! I enjoy hearing from all of you!

3. Most Shares
Since my blog is fairly new, I did not have any shares this month. But, you can help change that so that next month I will have some shares.

 If you click on the title of a post that you want to share, and then click on one of the sharing options on the left side, you can share one of my posts. You will have to log-in the first time that you share something, but next time you won't!

Also, on each image in the upper left corner is a Pin It Button. If you roll your mouse over the image, it will appear.

Please share and comment so that next time I can have a more impressive monthly round-up for February. :)

Thanks to all of my readers! :)


  1. I like your idea of a monthly round up!

    I have nominated your for a Liebster award. If you wish to participate you can find the information on my blog:

    1. Thanks for the comment and follow on Bloglovin'! I will check out that award. :)



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